Friday, March 21, 2008

AOTA is Stuffed!

Hi everyone, it’s Molly, the associate editor of OT Practice!

Can you believe that Conference is just a few weeks away? Here at HQ in Bethesda, there is a frenzy of activity to put the finishing touches on what is sure to be an exceptionally great Conference this year! Yesterday was our traditional Tote Stuffing Extravaganza—we stuffed 4,000 bags with various important materials for your Conference experience. It was hard work there in the trenches, but we all survived, and completed the stuffing in record time, under 3 hours. (It was cold in the garage, and we kept warm only if we kept moving! But it was worth it, and besides, the cold just makes us dream of the days we’ll be in warm and sunny Long Beach….)

We thought you might enjoy seeing some of the staff hard at work, and plus, get a sneak peek at this year’s bag (modeled by yours truly). Thanks to AOTA staffer Jennifer Hart for taking all these great photos!

Can’t wait to see you all in California!


There were three tables for tote stuffing, and each had their own strategic way to stuff. We were thinking of having a contest to see which table could stuff the most totes, but with 4,000 bags, you tend to lose track after awhile....

Nobody is spared from the Tote Stuffing Extravaganza. Not even Chuck Partridge, our CFO. But really, we just needed him down there because he was the only one tall enough to stack the totes in the double-tall boxes.

We even had big time help from AOTF, including the Foundation's new Executive Director, Chuck Christiansen. He's been on the job, what, four days now, and already he's in the trenches. (Of tote stuffing, that is.) Hey, we don't mess around when it comes to Conference. All hands on deck!

Jeff Casper and Lands Banks, two of the masterminds behind Conference. These are the guys who Make Things Happen. We would be lost without them, to say the least.

Ta-Da! Your 2008 Conference tote bag, stuffed with all sorts of goodies! Enjoy!

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